Le vrai Moleskine n’est plus


A few months ago, I decided to take my writing seriously.  To give myself a couple of years of working on improving my skills (and reading about the hard life of an inspiring writer) , because I know it takes more than a love of books and literature to master the skills required to succeed in the narrow publishing world.

The easy, but costly, solution was to purchase a laptop and become what I don’t want to become: The traditional yuppie wannabe drinking cafe latté while surfing the net at Borders Bookshops.   I always feels this gives a negative impression, ‘showing off’.   Taking into consideration that I already own a desktop, a portable computer was not my best solution.

Driven by budget more than anything, I decided on the traditional notebook, specifically a Moleskine.   For those who are not aware, Moleskine is the type of notebook used by many great masters, including Picasso, Ernest Hemingway and Bruce Chatwin (although I can’t imagine Picasso using a book).  It was the quality of the pages and the presentation of the notebook that won me over (not to mention the inspiration of the link to Hemingway).

Publicity aside, I’ve discovered that the notebook has practicality and it stimulates and excites your imagination, as well as being lighter and more portable than a laptop.   Speaking from the experience of 10 years of computer addiction, I know for sure that facing the blank screen of a word processor is not the stimulation this aspiring writer needs.   I discovered not just pleasure but also the charm of using a notebook.   Sitting anywhere, anytime, making notes is an action that gives me pleasure.

My Moleskine and I have become inseparable.  Through museums, art galleries or coffee shops, you may find me sitting and writing, drawing and scratching something down.   The ideas just flow…  

To me, Moleskine is the way to go from now on…

One Response to “Le vrai Moleskine n’est plus”

  1. 1 Trinity

    I am fan of notebooks. will look for moleskine. good blog.

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