Archive for October, 2007

Walking by


Sitting at my office desk and looking at life outside, I ponder my past and the people I’ve met.  I wonder where they are and what they may be doing right now.   Maybe it sounds foolish, but it’s a way I’ve found to reassure myself about my choices.  The way the afternoon sun bathes the […]

I read a few days ago that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez managed to get an extra year added to his third term as leader of the South American nation.   I can clearly see where this is going.  For those who understand Political Science, it smells like dictatorship at its best.  Dictators always fascinate me, because […]

I am thinking of joining the 50 book challenge, promoted by my writing group at Shelfari, next year.   The idea is simple, the challenge less so: To read 50 books within a year.  It is not impossible, but is extremely demanding.   I have also to accommodate my monthly editions of National Geographic (and university-related books, […]

It sometimes seems as if there is only one joke, and it’s innocence. From Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton to Jerry Lewis, Will Ferrell and Steve Carell, a comedian is as funny as he is unknowing. The humor can be physical or verbal, the character boorish or endearing, but the key is a childlike lack […]

A Common Word


If the unprecedented global protests over insulting depictions of the Prophet Mohammed in a book, newspaper or a papal speech tell us anything, it is that Muslims around the world can act in concert without following a leader or sharing an ideology. While such demonstrations might possess a local politics, in other words, they are […]

A few months ago, I decided to take my writing seriously.  To give myself a couple of years of working on improving my skills (and reading about the hard life of an inspiring writer) , because I know it takes more than a love of books and literature to master the skills required to succeed […]

Borrowing Books


I recently a bought few books and placed them into piles to read. That’s what I do… Accumulate books, read them in order of arrival then place them on my bookshelves (in no special order of importance, just size). We had friends over last weekend for ‘Petra’s girls gathering’ and a good friend asked if […]

Notable authors on the Vatican’s list of prohibited books: Francis Bacon Honoré de Balzac Giordano Bruno Nicolaus Copernicus Daniel Defoe René Descartes Denis Diderot Desiderius Erasmus Gustave Flaubert Galileo Galilei Edward Gibbon Thomas Hobbes Victor Hugo David Hume Immanuel Kant John Locke John Stuart Mill John Milton Blaise Pascal Jean-Jacques Rousseau Jean-Paul Sartre Jonathan Swift […]

Mark Twain


Mark Twain once received this telegram from a publisher: NEED 2-PAGE SHORT STORY TWO DAYS. He responded: NO CAN DO 2 PAGES TWO DAYS. CAN DO 30 PAGES 2 DAYS. NEED 30 DAYS TO DO 2 PAGES

 “The only difference between me & a madman is that I am not mad.” – Salvador Dali